Card Player Poker Tour bestbet Jacksonville Main Event: Dustin Nelson Leads Heading Into Day 2

Card Player Poker Tour bestbet Jacksonville Main Event: Dustin Nelson Leads Heading Into Day 2

The 2022 Card Player Poker Tour bestbet Jacksonville $3,000 buy-in no-limit hold’em main event continued with the second of two starting flights on Saturday, Nov. 12 at noon. A total of 144 entries (224 total) were made by the time registration closed on day 1B, to take the total prize pool up to $604,800.

The top 28 players will take home at least $4,771 in prize money, and the eventual champion will take home the top prize worth $138,481 at the end of the final table on Monday. Here is a look at the total payout structure for the event:

Place Payout
1 $138,481
2 $92,320
3 $67,592
4 $50,149
5 $37,712
6 $28,749
7 $22,220
8 $17,417
9 – 10 $13,848
11 – 12 $11,170
13 – 14 $9,143
15 – 16 $7,595
17 – 20 $6,405
21 – 24 $5,486
25 – 28 $4,771

A total of 10, 60-minute levels were played on day 1A, and when the dust settled just 40 players moved on to day 2, which will resume at noon on Sunday, Nov. 13. The biggest stack at the end of day 1A belonged to Dustin Nelson, who bagged up 379,000. Nelson is a Florida poker player with more than $800,000 in lifetime earnings, and he will be looking to add a good chunk of change to that here in the next two days.

Jeff TrudeauThere were also a solid group of poker players at the top of the chip counts at the end of play tonight. Jeff Trudeau stacked up 337,000 at the end of play, and the accomplished professional has won 27 poker tournaments at various buy-ins in his career, including 10 _World Series of Poker Circuit) rings. His earnings stand near $3 million, and he is in a good spot to add even more to that total after ending the night second in chips.

Adam Wells is close to the top of the leaderboard after bagging up 286,500, and his poker earnings stand in the six-figure territory with the majority of his success coming at Florida poker rooms. Former WPT bestbet Bounty Scramble winner Josh Adkins is also near the day 1B chip lead at the end of play with 276,000.

A number of big names came out for day 1B but failed to bag up chips, including the defending champion of this event Ben Scrogins, Derek Bowers, William Lowry, Donavon Wright, and Aaron Thivyanathan.

Day 2 will begin at noon on Sunday, Nov. 13. The returning field of 64 players is scheduled to play 10 more 60-minute levels of poker tomorrow, or until they reach the final table, whichever comes first.

The final table will be live-streamed with cards-up coverage of the action on bestbetLIVE.

Here is a look at the chip counts for the remaining 64 players:

Rank Player Chip Count Table Seat
1 Dustin Nelson 379,000 68 7
2 James Brown 359,500 69 1
3 Toby Boas 355,500 62 6
4 Andrew Ostapchenko 344,000 15 4
5 Jeremy Joseph 338,000 15 1
6 Jeff Trudeau 337,000 62 8
7 Adam Wells 286,500 14 4
8 Josh Adkins 276,000 61 8
9 Nadeem Hirani 256,000 69 6
10 Pablo Crump 239,000 16 6
11 Chau Chanthou 232,500 16 7
12 Chris Halkitis 222,000 69 5
13 Dustin Holladay 215,000 14 1
14 Lunique Petiote 209,000 63 5
15 Denoval Wilson 206,000 14 8
16 TK Miles 179,500 16 2
17 Fred Paradis 177,000 14 5
18 Michael Lydon 177,000 62 3
19 Chongyou Chen 160,000 63 7
20 James Soderlund 149,000 63 6
21 Sam Panzica 144,500 69 2
22 Scott Risi 138,000 14 2
23 George Zinaty 134,000 69 7
24 Geoffrey Blum 131,000 62 7
25 Brian Vazquez 128,500 69 8
26 Blake Baumgartner 126,000 16 3
27 Chris McNamara 120,000 16 4
28 Min Zhang 119,000 61 6
29 Richard Joseph 117,500 68 6
30 William Davis 117,000 61 3
31 Beaunos Smith 114,500 62 2
32 Nghia Le 110,000 15 6
33 Rodney Turvin 110,000 69 4
34 Anderson Premdas 108,500 16 1
35 Ioannis Patsourakis 105,000 15 5
36 Herbert Gartner 102,000 63 1
37 Mario Oliveira 101,500 15 8
38 Andrew Brinkley 101,000 68 1
39 Andrew Virtuoso 92,500 14 3
40 Keith Labarrie 92,000 62 4
41 John O’Neal 91,500 68 3
42 Jamie Souter 85,000 63 3
43 Paul Chung 77,000 63 4
44 Richard Roberson 75,000 63 2
45 Kelley Slay 75,000 61 7
46 Thad McNulty 73,000 15 3
47 David Tuthill 73,000 61 2
48 Hunter Cichy 72,000 61 1
49 Jared Reinstein 71,500 63 8
50 Greg Goater 68,500 62 1
51 David Burns 68,000 68 8
52 Ben Allen 67,000 16 5
53 Matthew Leecky 66,500 69 3
54 Byron Kaverman 66,000 68 5
55 Qui Nguyen 64,000 14 6
56 Rafael Corri 61,500 14 7
57 Kelly Slay 60,000 61 4
58 Heng Zhang 59,000 16 8
59 Asaf Ben-Shushan 56,500 68 4
60 Steven Rash 52,500 15 7
61 John Connors 51,000 15 2
62 Brian Arbaugh 46,500 61 5
63 Eddy Mroczkowski 46,500 68 2
64 Robert Lofaso 44,000 62 5

Below is a look at the seat assignments for day 2:

Table Seat Last Name First Name Chip Count
14 1 Holladay Dustin 215,000
14 2 Risi Scott 138,000
14 3 Virtuoso Andrew 92,500
14 4 Wells Adam 286,500
14 5 Lydon Michael 177,000
14 6 Nguyen Qui 64,000
14 7 Corri Rafael 61,500
14 8 Wilson Denavol 206,000
15 1 Joseph Jeremy 338,000
15 2 Connors John 51,000
15 3 Mcnulty Thad 73,000
15 4 Ostapchenko Andrew 344,000
15 5 Patsourakis Ioannis 105,000
15 6 Le Nghia 110,000
15 7 Rash Steven 52,500
15 8 Oliveira Mario 101,500
16 1 Premdas Anderson 108,500
16 2 Miles Timothy 179,500
16 3 Baumgartner Blake 126,000
16 4 Mcnamara Christopher 120,000
16 5 Allen Benjamin 67,000
16 6 Crump Pablo 239,000
16 7 Chau Chanthou 232,500
16 8 Zhang Heng 59,000
61 1 Cichy Hunter 72,000
61 2 Tuthill David 73,000
61 3 Davis jr William 117,000
61 4 Slay Kelly 60,000
61 5 Arbaugh Brian 46,500
61 6 Zhang Min 119,000
61 7 Slay Kelley 75,000
61 8 Adkins Joshua 276,000
62 1 Goater Gregory 68,500
62 2 Smith Beaunos 114,500
62 3 Paradis Maurice 177,000
62 4 Labarrie Keith 92,000
62 5 Lofaso Robert 44,000
62 6 Boas Toby 355,500
62 7 Blum Geoffrey 131,000
62 8 Trudeau jr Jeffery 337,000
63 1 Gartner Herbert 102,000
63 2 Roberson Richard 75,000
63 3 Souter James 85,000
63 4 Chung Paul 77,000
63 5 Petiote Lunique 209,000
63 6 Soderlund James 149,000
63 7 Chen Chongyou 160,000
63 8 Reinstein Jared 71,500
68 1 Brinkley Andrew 101,000
68 2 Mroczkowski Edward 46,500
68 3 Oneal John 91,500
68 4 Ben shustan Asaf 56,500
68 5 Kaverman Byron 66,000
68 6 Joseph Richard 117,500
68 7 Nelson Dustin 379,500
68 8 Burns David 68,000
69 1 Brown James 359,500
69 2 Panzica Samuel 144,500
69 3 Leecy Matthew 66,500
69 4 Turvin Rodney 110,000
69 5 Halkitis Christopher 222,000
69 6 Hirani Nadeem 256,500
69 7 Zinaty George 134,000
69 8 Vazquez Brian 128,500