CEN Approves EGBA-Proposed Standard Markers for Gambling Harm

EGBA unveiled Wednesday that it secured the approval and the development of standard markers for gambling harm is expected to start in the first quarter of this year. The development process itself is expected to involve gambling health experts, operators, consumer organizations, academics and other stakeholders within the gaming industry. Although the CEN standard is planned as a voluntary tool, legislative changes in different jurisdictions can enforce its mandatory compliance.

Ultimately, the markers of harm seek to indicate changes in customers’ behavior when gambling online such as an increase in the play duration, spending and speed and help flag easier problem gambling or at-risk gambling. According to EGBA, which proposed the creation of such markers back in December, they are vital when it comes to developing effective mechanisms against problem gambling or at-risk gambling. Moreover, the Association acknowledged that such standardized markers for gambling harm can be used by experts in the field to combat problem gambling.

“The EGBA proposal to create a CEN standard aims to resolve that problem at the European level by creating a standardized list of markers of harm,“

reads a statement released by the European Gaming and Betting Association

Major Step Ahead for Safer Gambling in Europe

Maarten Haijer, EGBA’s secretary general, acknowledged that the Association is excited to see CEN approve the proposal for the development of standard markers for gambling harm. Additionally, he thanked the CEN for their support on this matter as well as all of EGBA’s members that collaborated to create this proposal.

“We’re delighted that CEN has approved EGBA’s proposal to establish a standardized list of markers of harm, and we thank its members for their support. We look forward to contributing the sector’s knowledge and experience to the process.“

Maarten Haijer, secretary general at EGBA

Haijer stressed that the approval marks a major step toward safer gambling for the Old Continent. “The CEN process will provide a unique and valuable opportunity for key European stakeholders to pull together their resources and expertise to support safer gambling,” he added. Finally, Haijer said that EGBA remains committed to supporting the process by leveraging its extensive experience within the industry.