Doug Polk To Host New Podcast Series Ranking All-Time Poker Player

Doug Polk To Host New Podcast Series Ranking All-Time Poker Player

26 Feb

Since officially “retiring” from his days of high stakes Heads-up Hold’em, Doug Polk has still found ways to stay busy. From promoting cryptocurrency to partnering with The Lodge Card Club in Texas, he still has a full plate of pursuits.

Polk has also stayed busy with his popular podcast, the Doug Polk Podcast. In fact, Polk recently announced on Twitter that he will be hosting a new series on his podcast ranking the greatest poker players of all time, culminating with the best poker player ever.

Greatest Of All Time

Say what you want about Polk, but one thing is certain – he has been a leading authority in the poker industry for some time now, and he is more than qualified to take on an endeavor this large. Last week, he announced the new series on his Twitter: 

Going to do a podcast series where we rank the top poker players of all time. Over the next few podcasts we will lay out the case for each player, and you guys will vote.

Our first step is to get a list of ~100 players.

Nominate players below!

— Doug Polk (@DougPolkVids) February 20, 2022

Not only will Polk and his colleagues have input on the all-time list, but viewers and followers will have the ultimate say. Polk plans on laying out the case for each player on his list and allowing viewers to cast their votes.

Polk put out this tweet with a list of who he deemed to be the 100 best players of all time.

How do we feel about this list? Anyone that should not be here, or any snubs that need to be added?

(Note: we are only ranking top 20, so only suggest people if you think they should be top 20)

These are not in a ranked order just numbered to count, put screenames if important

— Doug Polk (@DougPolkVids) February 20, 2022

Although Polk and his colleagues will be laying out the case for all 100 players on his list, viewers and fans will only be able to vote to rank the top 20 players out of the 100 on the list. Fans can cast their votes here.

Earlier this week, Polk posted the first episode of the two week journey to crown the best poker player of all time.

In it, he explains to his fans exactly what will be going down and addresses the controversy and disagreement that will inevitably stem from this endeavor.

“I want to talk a bit about what we’re doing and explain some things about this list because, look, it’s going to be controversial,” Polk said in the podcast. “Of course people have their favorite player, of course popular players are going to have audiences, and there’s all sorts of things we should be thinking about. For starters, we’re ranking who is the best poker player,” Polk continued. “Now, what does the word best mean?” Because the word best can be so subjective, especially for the game of poker, Polk felt the need to lay out what he thinks the word means in this scenario. One especially important fact to remember when casting a vote is the era in which the player was at their peak. “You have to understand the era of players,” Polk said. “I think this is going to be a common theme throughout the conversation. When someone plays poker in the 1980s or 1990s versus today, it’s very different. The reality is, the game has evolved so much.” What do you think? Will this podcast series ranking the top 20 poker players of all time amount to anything more than a popularity contest? Do fans really understand what it means to be the best poker player? Or does any of it actually matter in the long-run since – hypothetically speaking – anyone can win a lot of money playing poker if they get lucky?

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