Infamous Robbi Jade Lew Hand Misread Again …. at Global Poker Awards

Infamous Robbi Jade Lew Hand Misread Again …. at Global Poker Awards

10 Mar

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The recently concluded Global Poker Awards saw Robbi Jade Lew take home the award for “Fans Choice: Best Hand” for her J4 offsuit versus Garrett Adelstein in September at HCL Live.

Lew admitted to misreading the hand, as seen in the following tweet:

In a rather ironic twist, it appears that the hand was misread again, this time by whoever was in charge of preparing the graphics and audio at Global Poker Awards. Adelstein’s hole cards were 8c-7c, but the awards show claimed Garrett was holding 9-8.

Here’s the video of the actual hand:

While it was presumably poker fans who voted for Lew to win the Best Hand award, it certainly wasn’t unanimous. A number of commenters on Twitter let their feelings be known:

  • Bradley Hernley – “The award goes to the person that, best case scenario, misread their hand???”
  • Daniel S – “Giving her ‘The Best Blunder Award’ is more fitting.”
  • alwaysgrowing – “Actually the other 3 hands were very interesting. Hers was pure crap”
  • eggroll king – “What a shame to win an award by misreading your hand and act like you won an Oscar”
  • PokermonFace.eth/.bnb – “Lococo would have deserved it. How was Robbies hand even being considered for winning the prize?”
  • TheNaturalsPod – “So bad for poker, what are you idiots thinking?”

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