Landon Tice Ready to Bet He Can Live Inside Bally’s Las Vegas for a Year

Landon Tice Ready to Bet He Can Live Inside Bally’s Las Vegas for a Year

25 Aug

Landon Tice has called out for a prop bet where he has to live inside Bally’s Las Vegas for a full year. The high-stakes star picked up on a tweet by Patrick Leonard answering a post by Charlie Carrel about how his followers should spend the next year: A: becoming happy, peaceful, competent or B: making $10,000,000.

Leonard tried to bait Matt Berkey with an inquiry about how much it would take for him to stay at Bally’s for 365 days and then Tice took the offer seriously.

“How much to pay you to live in Bally’s for 365 days next year. You can’t leave the door, but can eat wherever you want, use gym, obv play all wsop, invite friends to you etc.”

Can He Do it?

Berkey’s suggestion that $3 million would be around the mark probably had some spluttering their coffee but Tice seemed agreeable to a $100K wager.

Many actually thought that this isn’t too much of a challenge given that such a resort can cater to almost every whim and luxuries can be delivered upon request. Tice, though, was quick to press his point about how the bet wouldn’t be a walk in the park and encouraged Bill Perkins to step up and bet with him once again.

So, for such a payday we think he can do it but is it the right thing to do given how much he can make from actually playing poker? Opinion was split down the middle.

Either it’s a bad idea because of the amount of time of Tice’s youth given up or he will dedicate himself so much to his craft that he’ll be a much improved player by the end of it.

We also don’t know who’s up for paying for the challenge. It won’t be cheap but there were murmurs that the resort might consider footing the bill as a form of sponsorship. Posters also mentioned the amount of slots vouchers Tice would receive as a comp.

Who knows but let’s hope that this happens. It would be cool to see the entire challenge vlogged with some private cash game action thrown in for good measure. Hopefully with a better result than the aborted challenge with Bill Perkins.

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