The Fastest Growing Poker VLOGGERS On YouTube

The Fastest Growing Poker VLOGGERS On YouTube

31 Mar

For more than five decades, poker has been on TV. Starting with a one-hour-long World Series of Poker highlights show by CBS in the 1970s, poker has been a staple of television programming in one way or another.

But, the times are changing and new technologies emerge nearly every day. With them, there come new ways to enjoy and consume poker-related content. Read on to learn more about the fastest-growing poker vloggers on YouTube and pick the channels and creators that you want to follow.

The people listed below have different approaches and different styles. Some show parts of their family life and the places they travel to. Others focus on helping the viewer improve their poker skills, while another subset includes their other interests and hobbies in their vlogs, going beyond just poker.

Andrew Neeme

Andrew Neeme is perhaps the best-known name on this list since he won Vlogger of the Year at the 2018 and 2019 Global Poker Awards. He was a businessman before starting to play online poker, a career that proved to be so lucrative that he was able to turn it into a full-time job. For several years he was playing cash games in Las Vegas, but in 2021 he returned to Hustler Casino, Los Angles, the place where his professional career began. Apart from being a good player, Neeme seems to be having fun and that sense of fun is contagious and can easily pass onto you, the viewer.

Daniel Negreanu

Daniel Negreanu is the second name on this list. If you are someone who appreciates good production qualities and professional editing and camera work, give him a try. Apart from being a successful vlogger, Daniel has also appeared as a guest on several podcasts. Seems like his ultimate goal is to turn his game into a multimedia project. At the moment, you can follow his vlogs during WSOP and WSOP Europe with some great behind-the-scenes insight and info.

Brad Owen

Brad Owen  offers the most insight into his thought process and decision-making. This video blogger is a cash game player whose videos chronicle his different casino escapades. With plenty of experience under his belt (Owen started playing way back in 2003), his channel is the most helpful of the bunch since he will often explain some of his moves and his reasoning behind making those moves.

Joey Ingram

Joey Ingram AKA Chicago Joey is your man if you need a single place to get all of your poker info from. This vlogger who is also occasionally a commentator offers his opinions on the poker industry as a whole, as well as poker hand analysis, celebrity interviews, and more. As a commentator, he covers many high-stakes poker games and offers his opinions along with his unique sense of humor.

One of these YouTube vloggers is guaranteed to be up to your taste. Use this list as a starting point to explore the exciting and ever-changing world of poker in media.

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