True Geordie Is Back With The PokerStars Showdown Series

03 Feb

The Showdown with True Geordie is back, as the popular podcaster continues his journey from amateur to pro in the poker world. The series kicked off again on January 27 with every second of the action streamed live to his 3.5 million social media followers.

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True Geordie—real name Brian Davis—has taken the poker world by storm. His massive viewership has seen him trending at the top of the poker Twitch category, sweeping aside many already established stars of the niche.

The 2021 season of the Showdown was a huge success, featuring many well-known characters such as James Buckley, Spencer Owen and Jody Morris, ‘Spraggy’ Ben Spragg and ‘Pye_Face21’ Mason Pye.

The Showdown with @pokerstarsuk is back tomorrow! ♠️

Join us from 7PM to see who can land the cash prize 💰


— True Geordie (@TrueGeordieTG) February 2, 2022

The show is growing in popularity at an impressive rate, helped along by the True Geordie home games where fans can get in on the action and play some hands against Davis himself.

True Geordie said:

“We’re so excited about bringing the series back and making more and more improvements to really make it the best online poker show it can be. We have more big guests lined up and more shows, so people can expect to see a lot more of The Showdown.”

PokerStars has renewed its partnership with True Geordie following the successful True Geordie x PokerStars event which ran in October 2021. More than 80 fans trekked to The Hippodrome Casino to attempt to make it through the shootout stage for the chance to play at the final table with True Geordie and, of course, a night out on the tiles afterwards.

When asked about the biggest highlight at working with PokerStars, True Geordie responded:

“Definitely the night at The Hippodrome – we got the chance to meet loads of fans and have a proper night out with them. The tournament was great, and we had so many messages afterwards from people saying how much they enjoyed it and asking for another event.”

BTS footage of The Showdown so you can see what goes in to making the show happen…

🎥 8 Cameras
♠️ Custom built table
🃏 Real-time card graphics
♥️ Live player heart rates
💰 Live chip logging
🎓 The Best Production Team

The Showdown is back today from 7pm! #GambleAware 18+

— True Geordie (@TrueGeordieTG) January 27, 2022

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