Hollywood Star Vince Vaughn to Take on Three Poker World Champions

Hollywood Star Vince Vaughn to Take on Three Poker World Champions

20 Nov

Dodgeball star Vince Vaughn is set to face three poker world champions across the felt for a WSOP.com promotion. Phil Hellmuth, Joe Cada, and Koray Aldemir—Main Event winners in 1989, 2009, and 2021 respectively—will square off against the comedy actor where WSOP.com players who guess the results correctly will play a freeroll for a free seat in the WSOP Main Event 2023.

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The promotion is open to players who deposit on WSOP.com in a specific week in each of the states of Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. With only three results to decide on there could be a decent size field come the end of each match.

The promotion week for Pennsylvania is already underway with players having until November 22 to make a deposit and enter their predictions. The result from the battle between Vaughn and Hellmuth is set to be revealed at 5pm ET on November 22 and the WSOP Main Event Freeroll takes place at 5.30pm the following day.

For New Jersey residents, players can deposit during the week beginning November 29 to try and qualify for the freeroll. The Vaughn and Aldemir result is expected at 8pm ET, DEcember 6. The freeroll runs at 8.30pm ET the next day.

Finally, the Michigan promotion will kick off on December 13 with the match result coming in at 5pm, December 20, and, again, the freeroll taking place the next day.

Vince Vaughn the Poker Fan

Vince Vaughn is thought to be a big fan of poker even though he currently has no registered cashes for live tournaments. At this year’s World Series of Poker he acted as the celebrity guest/Master of Ceremonies for Day 1b of the Main Event, dressed as Caesar.

Heads-up poker is notoriously swingy which should give Vaughn, a recreational player, at least some chance of getting at least one result against a trio of players who have 21 WSOP bracelets between them.

Check out the WSOP YouTube channel for further updates.

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