2022 Breeders’ Cup in Spanish Broadcast Exceeds Expectations

2022 Breeders’ Cup in Spanish Broadcast Exceeds Expectations

The 39th edition of the Breeders’ Cup World Championships was broadcasted live on YouTube in Spanish on Nov. 4-5 through the official Spanish channel of the Breeders’ Cup, Hípica TV. The 2022 Breeders’ Cup in Spanish show exceeded the number of viewers of the previous year by such a wide margin that specialists in viewership metrics consider it to be among the most viewed social media live feeds for a horse racing event in history.

This is evidence of the commitment of the Spanish-speaking audience and quality of the team that carried out the second year of arduous work to cover this prestigious event. The fruits of this labor were demonstrated on Nov. 4, for Future Stars Friday, and on Nov. 5, for Championship Saturday, by broadcasting in entirety all 14 Breeders’ Cup races, which logically included the presentation of each race, analysis, predictions, and final comments.

Darwin Vizcaya was responsible for calling each race, while hosts Claudia Spadaro and retired Hall of Fame jockey Ramón Domínguez were in charge of leading the program and providing commentary throughout the event. They were accompanied by Annise Montplaisir, who shared analysis about the horses, as well as handicapper Roberto Rodríguez to share his selections — a diverse and multi-talented team.

Originally launched at the 2021 Breeders’ Cup in partnership with America’s Best Racing, despite challenges posed by the pandemic, that broadcast paved the way for this year’s Hípica TV broadcast to exceed expectations. In its inaugural year, the newly launched Spanish broadcast captured 282,000 views through YouTube, which included more than 80,000 on Future Stars Friday and more than 200,000 on Breeders’ Cup Saturday. The Saturday focal point attracted viewers from the United States, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Spain, and all of South America.

This year, thanks to the professional effort, knowledge, and countless hours of work, nearly triple the number of views were recorded: 684,000 views in total, with 107,800 unique viewers and 106,100 total hours of programming watched. This, according to stats recap experts, makes this the most viewed YouTube live-feed for a horse racing event in history.

According to the figures, on Nov. 4, Future Stars Friday generated 234,000 total views, 126,000 live views, and 44,200 unique viewers throughout the programming. On Saturday, Nov. 5, Hípica TV achieved 450,000 total views, with 287,000 live, and 89,800 unique viewers. These statistics were tabulated following the completion of the program and indicate a resounding success.

The success demonstrates both the importance and commitment of both the Breeders Cup’ and Hípica TV to their Latin American followers around the world and to future events.